Community, Interest Groups & Services
Not-for-Profit Community Groups and Other Services
This page contains information about a range of not-for-profit community groups and other Community Services.
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Please note: The MADCA Inc. accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for services provided by external companies, organisations, clubs and groups.

Blackall Range Zonta Club
Zonta International is a leading global organisation of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.
Blackall Range Lions Club
The Blackall Range Lions Club is a new community service organisation serving the communities of Montville, Flaxton, and Mapleton.. Sec. 0409 028 579
Mapleton and District Community Association (MADCA)
The Mapleton and District Community Association (MADCA) is comprised of local volunteer residents and others who have an interest in preserving the amenity and heritage of Mapleton and the surrounding district as well as promoting the area.
Mapleton Hall and Sportsground
Mapleton Hall and Sportsground conducts many community events.
Mapleton Community Library
Mapleton community library is owned by the community and operated by volunteers providing community events and services.
The Community Library also hosts the Pop Up News newsletter.
Mapleton Men’s Shed
The Mapleton Men’s Shed is a community organisation focused on enhancing the physical and mental well-being of its members through the provision of a suitable site with the necessary facilities and tools which enable members to socialise and engage in meaningful and productive activities.
Mapleton Rural Fire Brigade
Mapleton Rural Fire Brigade is a volunteer organisation serving the Mapleton community since 1965..
Interest Groups
Additionally, there are other interest groups which meet at various locations around the village.
Blackall Range Visual Artists (BRVA)
Meets at the Mapleton Bowls Club on a Thursday morning.
Darts Group
Meets at the Mapleton Bowls Club on Wed and Friday afternoons. Contact the Bowls Club for more information.
07 5445 7479
Mah-jong Players
Meets at the Mapleton Bowls Club each Wednesday afternoon between 12:15 and 16:30.
07 5476 6982
Mapleton Craft Group
A wide range of crafts are undertaken by the Mapleton Craft group which meets each Wednesday morning (9:00–12:00) at the Mapleton Bowls Club.
Happy interested residents drop in on the day.
Quilters Group
A quilters group meet at the Mapleton Bowls Club each Monday morning. For further information contact the Mapleton Bowls Club.
Probus Club of North Blackall Range
Probus Club of North Blackall Range meets at the Mapleton Bowls Club.
Contact phone below.
07 5445 7479
Bush and Beach Walking Group
Meets at the Mapleton Tavern at 07:00 every Tuesday morning.
The Mapleton Movers Heart Foundation Walking Group
Meets at the Mapleton Lilyponds Car Park – Delicia Rd. Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Hotter months 5pm-6pm, cooler months 4pm -5pm. 0408 756 353
Wildlife Volunteers Association
The WILVOS volunteers provide rescue, rehabilitation and release services to injured, orphaned and distressed native animals. Emergency Hotline: 07 5441 6200.
Mapleton Country Markets
The markets are held on the 4th Saturday of each month at the Mapleton State School, Mapleton.
Neighbourhood Watch
Meets at Kureelpa Hall. 0422 576 389
Educational Facilities
Mapleton has a comprehensive range of educational facilities catering for children of kindergarten age to the end of primary school.

Range Community Kindergarten
Offers kindergarten program for children aged between three to five years.
Mapleton State School
Mapleton State School is a beautiful country school nestled on the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The students at our school are fortunate to enjoy spacious grounds full of picturesque gardens and bushland.
Queensland Conference and Camping Centres, provide high-quality accommodation, catering, and outdoor education activities to school camps, church and community groups and large conferences.
Tribal Link
Is associated with QCCC and offers a wide range of programs explaining our indigenous heritage. Triballink Activity Centre is an educational precinct set aside for experiential Outdoor Education focused on the cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and environmental sustainability.
Other Services
A list of other useful community services.

Waste and Recycling
The council provides a comprehensive waste collection, disposal, recycling and advisory service for residential, commercial and industrial customers.
Pop Up Community News letter
A weekly news letter called Pop Up Community News is available from the Community Library website.
JP Services
Contacts for Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Declaration are available online. Please visit the website below.
JPs are frequently located at Post Offices. A JP is available at the Nambour Courthouse 9-3:30 M-F, Shopping Centres and the Nambour Library Mon 9-12:30. Contact the Mapleton Library for JP service Monday mornings. There is also an on-line JP for vulnerable people .