Mapleton and District Community Association
MADCA is a group of local volunteers who live and work in and around the Mapleton and Flaxton communities located on the Blackall Range. We are keen to engage with local groups, celebrate our rich history, and advocate for our diverse community.
Our monthly meetings provide a forum for ideas and issues influencing our community and we endeavour to provide timely and accurate updates on these issues to our members and government.
Our monthly newsletter, Community Connect, provides updates and information about the MADCA and its initiatives. Email to be added to the email list.
Mapleton and District is part of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council Division 10, and our local Councillor David Law attends our meetings. He provides updates and is happy to take any questions our members may have. MADCA is proudly supported by a grant from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.
MADCA has a number of sub-committees whose members represent MADCA. These committees work on issues such as the improving the streetscape of Mapleton; organising events in Mapleton such as the annual Light the Lights Christmas celebration; Disaster Management; and The Old School House (TOSH) garden group.
MADCA leases The Old School House (TOSH) from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and works collaboratively with RangeCare in operating a boutique selling pre-loved items. The funds raised through Op Shop sales are directed back to the community providing quality care and support to people along the Blackall Range and surrounding areas enabling them to continue living independently at home longer.
At the back of TOSH is a covered sitting area with views overlooking the lily ponds which the public is welcome to use.

Community News, Events & Consultations
Notices & Meetings

Visitors are welcome and MADCA welcomes new members. Membership is free and should you like to become a member complete the Application Form and either bring it along to a meeting or post it to The Secretary, PO Box 381, Mapleton 4560. We can also be reached by email.
You can also find us on Facebook at madca4560.